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How to unprotect a password protected Excel file in C#


This C# recipe shows how you can unprotect a password protected Excel file and save it a as an unprotected file


The recipe uses the EPPlus library version This is the last version of EPPlus under the LGPL License (aka free for commercial uses). You can install it using Nuget Package manager:

Install-Package EPPlus -Version

C# Code

var protectedFile = @"C:\Temp\ExcelRecipes\Password\protected.xlsx";
var unprotectedFile = @"C:\Temp\ExcelRecipes\Password\unprotected.xlsx";

// open protected file
using (ExcelPackage fileExcelFile = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(protectedFile), "secret123"))
    // save as unprotected file
    fileExcelFile.SaveAs(new FileInfo(unprotectedFile), "");

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How to password protect an Excel file in C#

This C# recipe shows how you can open an unprotected Excel file and save it as a new password protected Excel file